here it goes.
my project.
5 sets of thumbnails.
trust me , the end product will be sooo much better.
i hate drawing.
and so , my drawing sucks.
but this is just a sketch of your idea ryte?
so , i hope you'll get what i mean.
so ,
here it goes ,
be prepared to laugh.

okay , so of the 4 topics given.
i choose the fourth one.
which is ,
The emperor wears his invinsible clothes walking proudly in his kingdom capital full of dogs and monkeys.
and so ,
my idea was.
the king goes on a holiday.
being evil ,
the queen wants to sabotage and embarass her husband while he's away.
so she hires a look alike , someone who looks like her husband.
and she wants the lookalike not to wear clothes and walk around the kingdom.
or so called , wear an " invinsible outfit " , which is totally ridiculous.
so , being paid , the look-alike does whatever he is told to do.
he starts walking around the kingdom , which is dominated with dogs and monkeys.
the dogs and monkeys are all surprise as to see the " king " or the " emperor " being nude.
some people from the news even took pictures of the naked " one ".
the following day ,
the news paper came out.
the headlines was " KING SAW NAKED ON THE STREETS. a shocking and disgusting moment ........... "
the queen read , and was elated.
giving her evil laughter.
she said , " serves him ! now ive embarassed him . no one will want to respect him. and all the respect will go to me now ! ".
so , she decided to take a walk in her kingdom.
as she exits the palace door ,
she got very shocked.
to see her kingdom filled with naked people.
and she almost fainted after overhearing the conversation of one group.
" didnt you heard , being naked is the newest fashion in town. its HIP ! "
and another one going ,
" i think the king is coool ! ill respect him more , for being naked ! "
so there goes the queen , speechless.
and her husband being the new trend setter in town.